All along, we always said that we couldn’t wait to take our kids with us on our travels. Just this past January we were so excited to go on our very 1st cruise as a family of three! And besides it being Jackson’s first cruise, it was also my sister and my nephew Owen’s first […]
Photo Journal
Disney World’s Magic Kingdom with an Infant! – Tips & Lessons Learned

Let’s face it, there are a million reasons why having a baby makes it hard to travel. I mean, (1.) They have too much stuff! or (2.) You used all of your annual leave the first few weeks after the baby was born, or (3.) What if he cries on the plane? And then there’s […]
Ireland Roadtrip – Our 20 Favorite Photos

For our Ireland babymoon in January 2018, we spent 9 days on a DIY road-trip around Northern Ireland and Ireland. We absolutely loved Ireland. It’s a beautiful country and the people are so friendly. We can’t wait to go back some day and see the Southern part of the island. These are our favorite photos […]
2017 Christmas Market BabyMoon – Our 15 Favorite Photos

For Thanksgiving we always try to hit the road because you only have to take Friday off and it’s a four day weekend. For 2017 we had to change things up a bit. Normally we visit the Caribbean, but this year we were excited to be expecting our first baby and we didn’t feel comfortable […]
Paris, France – Our 10 Favorite Photos

We spent 3 days in Paris, France right in the middle of our honeymoon and had a lovely time. One of those days was May Day which meant most of the tourist attractions were closed. However, we used that day to catch up on sleep and were so lucky that our hotel, the Hotel Baltimore, […]