We spent 3 days in Paris, France right in the middle of our honeymoon and had a lovely time. One of those days was May Day which meant most of the tourist attractions were closed. However, we used that day to catch up on sleep and were so lucky that our hotel, the Hotel Baltimore, had the most comfortable pillow-like mattress of our entire trip! It was heavenly.
The rest of the time when we weren’t sleeping, we managed to spend a day seeing the Museums, we took the train to Versailles, and we visited the Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame, Sainte Chapelle, and Sacre Coeur. Below are our favorite pictures and memories from the trip!
#10 The fountain all the way down in the garden behind the Palace of Versailles. It is a really long walk for two very tired tourists, but I insisted!
#9 This picture doesn’t do it justice, but Sainte Chapelle has beautiful windows. It’s unlike stained glass anywhere else.
#8 My husband using the hotel hair dryer to dry the pockets of his jacket. Did I mention that it rained 2 of the 3 days we were in Paris? And he didn’t pack anything rainproof!
#7 The delicious waffles that we found for brunch one day! So good!
#6 Outside the Louvre museum. We didn’t know that the Paris pass line would be longer than the other lines! So we decided not to wait and headed to Versailles instead! Recommend buying timed tickets to avoid waiting so long.
#5 Arc de Triomphe. Did you know you can actually climb to the top? We didn’t until we got there and it was included with our Paris Pass, so we went!
#4 Monet’s Water Lillies at the Orangerie. My husband isn’t really into art, but I caught him in this snap and love it. He humors me, and for that I’m grateful.
#3 Brian took this picture with his iPhone! The clouds are so pretty framing the Eiffel Tower.
#2 We found macaroons and loved them!
#1 The 1st day we had scheduled a timeslot to go up the Eiffel Tower at sunset. It poured rain the entire time, So instead of a beautiful sunset, we only saw dark blue clouds. However, walking back to our hotel, they lit up the Eiffel Tower with twinkling lights that made it really sparkle. It ended up being really lovely. Just goes to show, sometimes the imperfect moments are the most memorable ones!